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Ikigai (生き甲斐) : あなたの仕事に意味がなければ、あなたの人生も同様です。

James Huang | 2021.09.02

BossMind x James Huangコラム

"三種最有害的成癮物是:海洛因、碳水化合物、和一份固定月薪。― Nassim Nicholas Taleb ,《黑天鵝效應》作者"の日本語訳は次の通りです: 「最も有害な中毒物質は3つあります:ヘロイン、炭水化物、そして固定給与です。―ナッシム・ニコラス・タレブ、『ブラック・スワン』の著者」


In terms of workload, this position actually only requires half of a person's effort, and the scheduled work for a week can be completed in just two days. This kind of leisurely work status was quite enjoyable at first, but after a while, it becomes gradually boring. I feel like a model, trapped in responsibilities, obligations, and expectations, sitting in front of the office desk with the lights on from morning till night, for five days a week. I want to explore and try things that I can accomplish and achieve in life, beyond the five-star hotel room and free breakfast.

The meaning of life in Japanese has a special term called "Ikigai" (生き甲斐), which is the reason why you wake up every morning and the purpose of your life. This spiritual philosophy is deeply rooted in Japanese culture, and many craftsmen such as sushi chefs, lacquerware artisans, and anime masters dedicate their entire lives to doing one thing well, quietly changing the world and enriching themselves, which is the embodiment of their Ikigai.


In order to exchange for a fixed monthly salary, from 9am to 6pm every Monday to Friday, your life belongs to someone else who paid for it. "More than 40% of jobs are meaningless," says anthropologist Graeber in his 2019 book "Bullshit Jobs." Graeber defines "bullshit jobs" as "completely pointless, unnecessary, or harmful jobs that even employees cannot describe why they exist, but due to the conditions of employment relationships, they feel the need to pretend that they are not, and these paid employment types are called bullshit jobs." 

Before the Industrial Revolution, farmers planted and harvested crops according to the seasons, and apprentices followed craftsmen to learn while living. "Work" was a task-oriented task that focused on the results. With the rise of industrial capitalism, work began to shift from the original "task orientation" to a timed labor system. Since then, most of our lives and selves have been divided into "work" and "life." (Translation: In Japanese - 工業革命以前、農夫は季節に応じて作物を植え、収穫し、見習いは職人に従って生活と学習を行っていました。 「仕事」は成果に焦点を当てたタスク指向型でした。工業資本主義の台頭とともに、仕事は元の「タスク指向」から計時労働制度に変わりました。それ以来、私たちのほとんどの生活と自己は「仕事」と「生活」に分割されています。)


When these four elements intersect with each other, that thing may be your Ikigai in life. For example, I really enjoy "problem-solving" and every time I think about it, I enter a "flow state" and completely forget the existence of time. "Problem-solving" is also something I am good at, and I know how to express it in a way that makes clients feel and understand clearly.



ジェームズ・ファン (Jeemuzu Fan)


Ikigai (生き甲斐) : あなたの仕事に意味がなければ、あなたの人生も同様です。
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