BossMind x James Huangコラム
"If each direct report requires three hours of your time per week, how much time do you have left for real work?" 「もし、直属の報告者全員が週に3時間必要であれば、あなたは本当の仕事に使える時間がいくつ残りますか?」
「その3: ビジネスパートナーを探すには誰に頼むべきか」
"Business Partner"と中文の「生意拍檔」は、英語のビジネス世界では異なる使い方をします。英語では、Business Partnerは、ビジネスパートナーだけでなく、サプライヤー、サービスプロバイダー、さらには顧客も含まれます。つまり、あなたのビジネスに関わるすべての持分者が含まれます。しかし、香港では、「生意拍檔」の定義は比較的狭く、一般的にはビジネスパートナーのみを指します。また、「夥」には果実を共有する意味もあります。
Actually, after starting multiple businesses and experiencing numerous painful lessons and failures, I discovered that many startups have already laid the foundation for their success in the early stages of entrepreneurship, and it all comes down to "people", namely the startup team. 事実上、私は何度も事業を立ち上げ、多くの苦い教訓と失敗を経験した後、成功の機会を確立している初期の段階で、つまり創業チームに全てがかかっていることがわかりました。
Inviting others to join your entrepreneurial team is like giving them a ticket to One Piece, where dreams and treasures are the ultimate destination, and you call on passengers to embark on the journey. But even you know that not every passenger on this ship will reach the final destination with you.
Before I started my own business, I always thought that entrepreneurship was a simple act of a few good friends working together with a common ideal. Each person appeared magnificent, free to come and go, with various CxO titles, struggling for their dreams. In reality, they earned extremely low wages, worked endlessly every day, and watched countless sunrises in the morning.
Nine months into starting my own business and experiencing multiple rounds of "Hire & Fire," I gradually realized that each ticket must be carefully given out. Otherwise, it's like the consequence of the white-bearded man bringing the black-bearded man onto the ship.
在概念階段或找團隊階段,如果你都已經願意捨棄一切舒適平穩,告別曾經令你快樂的生活,去打造一艘朝夢想航行的船,你大概不會去招攬一個,有機會令你更驚心動魄,且讓你負債破產的船員?所以請謹記,千萬不要因為有個陌生人跟你說:「我願意上船」,就輕易給他One Piece船票。
So, what kind of partner should you look for? (in Japanese: それでは、どのようなパートナーを探すべきですか?)
If a company wants to succeed, it is important to form a diverse team with a variety of skills. Not everyone is suitable to be a business partner, and the key is to examine whether your partner truly has an entrepreneurial mindset and willingness (not just for the salary). Often the core reason for partnership failure is differences in values and principles. Besides dreams, the most important thing in entrepreneurship is benefits. Without a clear mechanism for benefit distribution and management, entrepreneurship will ultimately end in failure. Before starting a partnership, it is necessary to establish a clear benefit distribution plan for partners, preferably through legal means, and to clarify the exit mechanism and long-term distribution mechanism that will follow.
Effort is responsibility to yourself, not just for show to others. Every time we have a new business partner join, we always say, "From today, please treat this company as if it were your own company." (努力は自分自身に責任があることであり、他人に見せるためのものではありません。新しいビジネスパートナーが参加するたびに、「この会社をあなた自身の会社のように扱ってください」と常に言います。)
ジェームズ・ファン (Jeemuzu Fan)