Unleash the full potential of your business in the digital world

"Stop being infatuated with the 'blue ocean' - the purple sea strategy has three major advantages." (Note: This translation may vary slightly depending on the desired level of formality or context.)

James Huang | 2022.03.06

"Blue Ocean Strategy" and "Red Ocean Strategy" are definitely heard of. Simply put, "Blue Ocean" refers to new markets with wide areas and no competitors entering, while "Red Ocean" refers to existing markets with many people and particularly crowded.

"Red Ocean Strategy" profit equation: Lower costs, seize market share, and heavily promote sales using traditional business tactics. "Blue Ocean Strategy" is an incomplete competition market with few competitors or no competitors yet.

Due to the low number of entrants, consumers are unable to compare prices on products, allowing businesses to set prices much higher than their costs and obtain high profits. Businesses in this market need to constantly innovate and differentiate in order to attract consumers. As long as the product is attractive enough, businesses can obtain good profits. (Translated to ja_JP: 進入者が少ないため、消費者は商品の価格を比較することができず、企業はコストよりもはるかに高い価格を設定し、高い利益を得ることができます。この市場での企業は、消費者を引き付けるために常に革新と差別化が必要です。製品が十分に魅力的であれば、企業は良好な利益を得ることができます。)

Many experts say that starting a business requires a "blue ocean strategy," encouraging entrepreneurs to break away from the red ocean and find their own blue ocean through innovative products. However, the world is not black and white, and most of the time it is actually in a sea of ​​purple. This is because most "blue oceans" cannot be sustained for long, and we have seen one "blue ocean" turn red instantly. For example, Virtual Bank went from red to blue and then back to red.



Small markets are a subset within a larger market that can be defined by its unique needs, preferences, or differences from the characteristics of the entire market. For example, there are many different segments or small markets within the women's shoe market. Large-size women's shoes can also be a small market. (Translated to ja_JP) 小規模市場は、より大きな市場内のサブセットで、ユニークなニーズ、好み、または全市場の特性からの差異によって定義されることがあります。たとえば、女性用シューズ市場には、多くの異なるセグメントまたは小規模市場があります。大きなサイズの女性用靴は、小規模市場になることがあります。

"The most common methods for defining niche markets are based on:" 「ニッチ市場を定義する最も一般的な方法は、次に基づいています:」

              • 価格(高級、中間、低価格)

              • 人口統計(性別、年齢、収入水準、教育水準)

              • 品質等級(高級的、手工的、経済的)

              • 心理学(価値観、興味、態度)


Companies need to separate themselves from past innovative ideas and struggle with past management concepts, making it difficult to succeed. To achieve extraordinary success and exceptional development, it is necessary to be "abnormal/superabnormal" and win in competition through business model innovation. Any aspect related to business models, such as information, markets, services, concepts, or networks, may be a source of innovation. By owning all the resources that may innovate inside and outside the company and effectively allocating and utilizing innovative elements, it is possible to create new business models and establish unique core competitiveness. For example, the positioning of my IT company is to find suitable business clients to cooperate with in identifying our blue ocean and share the results together.

7 Small Niche Markets / Purple Sea Examples:

Although you may have already thought of popular products, you can increase your success rate by starting with "Purple Ocean Strategy" and then digging deeper to find suitable markets. Niche markets are just the starting point, and you can explore in completely different directions and find other innovative opportunities in each category.

  1. 環境保護意識の高い消費者

  2. 健康と健康管理

  3. ペットの飼い主

  4. LGBTQ+ コミュニティ

  5. 旅行者

  6. ゲームプレイヤー

  7. 遠隔作業者


"What are the advantages of the 'Purple Ocean Strategy?' First, it can maintain low costs. These 'blue oceans' were discovered from the Red Sea, so resources, technical support, and familiar user preferences from the original market can help reduce product costs." 「紫海戦略」にはどのような利点がありますか?第一に、低コストを維持できることです。これらの「ブルーオーシャン」は、レッドシーから発見されたため、元の市場からのリソース、技術サポート、そして馴染みのあるユーザーの好みが製品コストを低減するのに役立ちます。

The translation is: The second advantage is that companies can develop popular products with high market saturation. New products launched through the blue ocean strategy often only appeal to a small portion of niche consumers. However, the users selected through the purple ocean strategy are optimized through the red ocean users and have a natural advantage in market share.

The translation is: 最後一個優勢は、「紫海戦略」が中小企業の戦略的突破に役立つことです。新しい市場は門檻が高く、中小企業が全力投入した後、リスクに直面すると水に流されてしまう可能性があります。しかし、「赤海市場」は確立された成熟した市場であり、自分たちの領域内でどの規模の企業でも独自のユーザーグループや領土資源を持っています。そのため、中小企業は赤海で競合が少ない、または競合がない領域を見つけることで、相対的な優位性を持つことができます。



"Stop being infatuated with the 'blue ocean' - the purple sea strategy has three major advantages." 
(Note: This translation may vary slightly depending on the desired level of formality or context.)
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