Unleash the full potential of your business in the digital world

Sorry, the text provided contains a specific term "偽.創業" that cannot be accurately translated without additional context and information. Please clarify the meaning of the term or provide more context so that I can provide an accurate translation.

James Huang | 2022.03.07

ケース1:友人N年ぶりに私に会うように言って、まだコーヒーも来ていないのに、「私は成功を望んでいる。長年、共に志を同じくするパートナーを探し続けてきたので、あなたと共有したいと思います。当社には成功のための豊富なシステムがあります。あなたが人脈と時間を費やすだけで起業することができます。多くの大企業の有名人や重役なども、あなたと同じようにうまくやっているにもかかわらず、私たちに参加することを選びました。たとえば、XX社CEO XYZさんも一緒に起業しています!それに…(以下1000字削除)」と話し始めた瞬間、私は目を見開きました。


At its essence, the legality or morality of direct selling, multi-level marketing (MLM), or money-sucking scams is irrelevant. Its essence lies in one of the "single functions" of the enterprise - selling (selling things), which cannot be called "creating" a business or a career. The so-called "creation" can be tested against the simplest standard:


Supply (products, services, stores, equipment, etc.)



If you don't need to solve the above problems when starting a business, it can be called "fake entrepreneurship." もし起業する際、上記の問題を解決する必要がなければ、「偽りの起業」と呼ばれます。


To become a successful business, the above three questions cannot be solved alone. You must also allow your business to create a unique advantage to stand out. This means doing unique business such as providing a special value that other businesses cannot offer, offering special prices, or higher CP value, etc.

One example: There are many IT service providers that provide supply chain services. Why should customers choose to work with us instead of others? In addition to IT services, we also offer consulting and customs integration solutions, which means that we provide a "complete solution tailored to the company's needs." This is also our "niche function."

「生意/ Deal」與「事業/ Business」の最大の違いは、次のとおりです:

Our business is striving for "sustainable management and operation." (私たちのビジネスは、「持続的な経営と運営」を目指しています。)


.Our pursuit in business is for a more macro ideal: to make the enterprise operate as a "meaningful existence." .私たちのビジネスの追求は、よりマクロな理想を追い求めることです。企業を「意義のある存在」として運営することです。

在 - In (There is no need to translate as this is already in Japanese)其之七例えば、あなたの専門分野がITである場合、他人から関連する専門分野について聞かれた時、「ITをやっている」と答えるだけではDead Airになり易いです。相手はあなたと他のIT企業の差異を迅速に見分けることが難しいためです。ITは非常に専門的な言葉のように見えますが、実際には様々な項目が含まれます。ですから、自分の専門分野を明確に把握していると、自分自身がどのように独自のイメージを素早く構築すべきかがわかります。

Should I take on more of my clients' other businesses when running a business? This idea is incorrect. If you specialize in online marketing, you shouldn't take on your clients' IT plans just to avoid gaps. It's relatively easy to make mistakes when you're not familiar with them. When mistakes are made, the trust established with the customer is lost.

ジェームズ・ファン (Jeemuzu Fan)


Sorry, the text provided contains a specific term "偽.創業" that cannot be accurately translated without additional context and information. Please clarify the meaning of the term or provide more context so that I can provide an accurate translation.
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